7 Alternatives to SurveyPlanet
How to Gather Patient Feedback in Healthcare
Type Form: What is Typeform Builder?
Jotforms: What Are They +Alternatives
What is a Good Response Rate for a Survey?
User Interviews 101: How to Tackle Them in 2024
Pitfalls of Using Double Barreled Questions in Customer Feedback Surveys
What are double-barreled questions, when to avoid them, and when to use them? Read our guide!
Gallup Q12 Questions | The most famous engagement survey
Q12 survey consists of twelve questions. You might say that this is a small number when we think about such a multidimensional issue as employee engagement. However, Q12 survey includes decades of research in this area involving employees of organizations from around the world.
10 tricks to help you build better surveys
We have prepared 10 tricks and tips that will help you build even better online surveys, questionnaires, forms and tests.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Why is customer satisfaction surveys are so important?
The success of your business depends on many factors: number of orders, time of delivery, and competitiveness of the offer. However, what will build the base of loyal, returning customers is the experience you can give them. Pure emotions, the intangible value that you feed your customers. Take care of the level of customer satisfaction, and your company will be rich, recognizable, and trusted.
Employee surveys. Tools for the HR teams.
Most successful companies have a well-developed customer service system. As it turns out – the use of customer satisfaction management tools in relation to employees can also bring tangible results. Companies that decide to take this step achieve unprecedented success – they multiply profits, areas of operation, and develop on many levels. Those that achieve above-average results have one more feature in common – they focus on the needs and experiences of employees.