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Better online survey reports
Jakub Wierusz
02 Apr 2011

Better online survey reports

We just finished work on SurveyLab 4.0 and new functionalities. This time changes focus mostly on reporting system and analytical possibilities of our tool. We changed survey report generation engine. Thanks to those changes system can support hundreds of thousands responses for a single survey. This change opens brand new possibilities for researchers, they can create and manage surveys with a very large amount of data.

Online survey personalization and branding
Jakub Wierusz
09 Feb 2011

Online survey personalization and branding

How to make your survey look exactly the way you like it? SurveyLab contains extended personalization and branding options that allows you to change your survey color skins, add your own logo and set up survey redirection page.

Online surveys for students
Jakub Wierusz
23 Jan 2011

Online surveys for students

Students pay less for online surveys. Are you a student, PhD student or Euro 26 card holder? We have a special offer for you. For all students and Euro 26 card holders, we prepared special 25% discount offer for SurveyLab professional online surveys.

Happy New Year 2011
Jakub Wierusz
03 Jan 2011

Happy New Year 2011

2010 was full of challenges for us. SurveyLab has changed a lot, and you have big part in it. Many functionalities and improvements have been made because and thanks to you – our users. Thank you for all your ideas and that you are with us.

Enterprise project management maturity survey
Jakub Wierusz
21 Apr 2009

Enterprise project management maturity survey

Together with PMI GB we have conducted enterprise project management maturity research for companies from Northern Poland. The goal of the project is to measure project management maturity level and to learn what role projects plays in the surveyed organizations.

We are helping Polish Humanitarian Organization
Jakub Wierusz
23 Jan 2009

We are helping Polish Humanitarian Organization

SurveyLab is helping Polish Humanitarian Organization (PHO) and Program “Pajacyk” in pajacyk.pl web service users research. "We want to know who is visiting the most popular charitable site on the Polish Internet – what are their motivations, needs, and opinions" said PHO. Thanks to SurveLab PHO will prepare a comprehensive analysis of pajacyk.pl website and its users. It will provide guidelines for site and program modifications.

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