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New choice question with a search box
Jakub Wierusz
12 Mar 2020

New choice question with a search box

Read what has changed in SurveyLab (22.9.5). We have prepared a new type of question for you (choice question with a search box) and we have also improved several system functionalities.

6 breakthrough changes in surveys in 2019
Jakub Wierusz
21 Jan 2020

6 breakthrough changes in surveys in 2019

In 2019, over 4.3 billion people used the Internet worldwide. It is over 1 billion people more than a year ago. Over 50% of Internet traffic was generated by mobile devices. Almost one in ten transactions for the purchase of goods or services in the US takes place online.

Surveys accessible for blind people
Jakub Wierusz
11 Dec 2019

Surveys accessible for blind people

The new version of SurveyLab is now available (22.0.0). Our surveys are now compliant with the WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standard and therefore accessible to blind and visually impaired people.

25 popular questions, to better understand your customers and market
Jakub Wierusz
30 May 2019

25 popular questions, to better understand your customers and market

Nowadays, marketing and sales are data driven. Almost every decision requires analysis and in-depth knowledge of the market, customers and competition. On the other hand, the flood of information can overwhelm. Below you will find 25 questions that will help you work better basing on the knowledge, build effective strategies, and make the right decisions.

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