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Survicate Alternatives: Our Picks
Kinga Edwards
11 Mar 2025

Survicate Alternatives: Our Picks

Looking for Survicate alternatives? Explore top survey tools with better analytics, pricing, and customization to find the best fit.

New choice question with a search box
Jakub Wierusz
12 Mar 2020

New choice question with a search box

Read what has changed in SurveyLab (22.9.5). We have prepared a new type of question for you (choice question with a search box) and we have also improved several system functionalities.

6 breakthrough changes in surveys in 2019
Jakub Wierusz
21 Jan 2020

6 breakthrough changes in surveys in 2019

In 2019, over 4.3 billion people used the Internet worldwide. It is over 1 billion people more than a year ago. Over 50% of Internet traffic was generated by mobile devices. Almost one in ten transactions for the purchase of goods or services in the US takes place online.

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