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Better survey results analysis
Jakub Wierusz
10 Apr 2018

Better survey results analysis

The next version of SurveyLab (18.7.2) is now available. This time we have rebuilt and updated survey reports and provided improved survey results analysis. Both reports, measures, and trends have gained new possibilities and appearance.

Improved closed loop & customer feedback management
Jakub Wierusz
18 Mar 2018

Improved closed loop & customer feedback management

The next version of SurveyLab (18.6.0) is now available. This time we have expanded the system capabilities in the scope of building closed-loop processes and feedback management, we have expanded existing types of questions with new options and improved navigation.

SMS surveys. PowerPoint. Widgets.
Jakub Wierusz
21 Apr 2017

SMS surveys. PowerPoint. Widgets.

Spring is coming and so are changes and new functionalities in SurveyLab. Among changes, you will find new package names, SMS surveys, export to PowerPoint, new survey widgets, and many other small changes and improvements.

Cross tab reports, Video support
Jakub Wierusz
29 Nov 2016

Cross tab reports, Video support

We are very happy to announce release of new version (12.6.2) of SurveyLab online survey software. Among new features, you will find cross-tab reports (with option to analyze multiple variables), video support and new (simplified) sing up process.

How to turn data into an engaging report
Joanna H
26 Feb 2015

How to turn data into an engaging report

Running a survey? Sooner or later you’re bound to draft a report based on the data you acquired. How to make your work on the report pleasant and the outcome useful, attractive and engaging?

Access to partially completed surveys
Jakub Wierusz
18 Dec 2013

Access to partially completed surveys

New pack of changes (with number 8.8) is waiting for you at MySurveyLab. This time we focused on survey report improvements and making the contacts module more robust.

We are improving our online survey software
Jakub Wierusz
14 Oct 2013

We are improving our online survey software

New SurveyLab version (8.6) is ready. This time we have focused mostly on bug fixes and survey reports improvements. We also introduced some new features that may be very useful for you.

Faster online surveys
Jakub Wierusz
31 May 2012

Faster online surveys

SurveyLab 6.0 is ready. This time changes include mostly elements that are not visible to users – framework and engine of our online survey tool. This will allow mysurveylab to work faster and stay up-to-date with the latest technology.

Integration and survey reports improved
Jakub Wierusz
26 Mar 2012

Integration and survey reports improved

We are happy to announce new version (5.1) of SurveyLab online surveys tool. This time changes mostly concern integration and survey reports improvements.

Multi-language survey reports
Jakub Wierusz
14 Jul 2011

Multi-language survey reports

New SurveyLab 4.1.2 version and new features. Are you using multi-language online surveys or tests? Now you can view your survey report in any language. Simply go to reports and select language in which you want to view your survey report.

New survey engine
Jakub Wierusz
04 Mar 2010

New survey engine

SurveyLab 2.1 is ready. After changes in the user interface and new service layout, it came time to change survey and test engine. We corrected a number of system components so now mysurveylab.com works faster and more stable. Implemented changes will enable us to introduce cool new functionalities in the near future.

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