Types of cookie files used by SurveyLab
SurveyLab uses different types of cookie files (the list is placed below). Files can be stored in a web browser on your computer. You can read how to manage web browser settings.
Session ID
Cookie files can store information on how users use our service. They can include the most often displayed pages and error messages that can appear on some pages. This type of cookie helps us improve our services and improve the comfort of using surveylab.com
Discount code
Informs us if the User has used a discount code. Thanks to this information we know if the User received a discount and we can properly activate it in the system.
Sales code
It helps us better serve our customers and connect a client with a sales representative on the SurveyLab site.
Information that enables navigation across the survey. Cookie files help us identify on which page the survey is opened and direct respondents to the next page as they click on the navigation button.