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Integration with Intercom

SurveyLab provides integration via webhooks. Thanks to this functionality you can trigger a survey email invitation with any event (e.g. conversation finished on a chat) in the other system.

Integration with Intercom using webhooks.


  1. Log in to SurveyLab.
  2. Select survey and copy survey API link, that you want to trigger using Intercom webhook.

NOTE. You need to use an Email / SMS invitation collector.


  1. Log into Intercom.
  2. Go to Settings / Developers / Developers Hub.
  3. Press New app button / Internal integration.
  4. Enter app name SurveyLab webhook and press Create app button.
    New app
  5. Go to Webhooks tab.
  6. In section Your request endpoint URL enter your survey URL copied from the SurveyLab API link.
  7. On the link end add parameters &source=intercom&action=addContactToCollector.
  8. In section Webhook topics select action conversation.admin.closed.
    Intercom webhooks
  9. Press Save button.



Available actions

addContactToCollectorAdd contact to the collector.
turnOnCollectorTurn on collector.
turnOffCollectorTurn off collector.

NOTE. Webhook is an instant notification about a certain event eg. chat closed or ticket closed. This kind of notification can be transferred with HTTP / HTTPS protocol.

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.