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How can I delete all or selected responses?

You can delete, clear, or reset all or selected survey responses using four different methods.

  • Delete survey
  • Delete collector
  • Delete response
  • Delete question data

NOTE. Those actions can’t be undone.

Delete survey

This action will delete survey and all collected data for a selected survey. This action can’t be reversed.

  1. Select survey you want to delete.
  2. Press MORE / {D] Delete button.

Delete collector

This action will delete survey collector and all collected data for the selected collector. Survey questions will be preserved. This action can’t be reversed.

  1. Select survey and press COLLECT RESPONSES.
  2. Select collector and press {D] DELETE button.

Delete response

This action will delete selected responses from the survey. This action can’t be reversed.

  1. Select survey and press REPORT button.
  2. Press [L] List of responses.
  3. Select responses you want to delete.
  4. Press {D] Delete button.

Delete question data

This action delete a selected question and all responses collected for the question (all collectors). This action can’t be reversed.

  1. Select survey and press REPORT button.
  2. Select question and press Settings button.
  3. Press DELETE QUESTION DATA button.

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