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Export file structure

SurveyLab export file contains three types of data :

  • Statistical data (automatic)
  • Respondent identification (contacts)
  • Survey results

Statistical data (automatic)

Data is saved automatically for each survey.

Response IdSurvey identification number.
Response KeySurvey identification number (information collected with response Key mechanism).
userAgentDataInformation about device, operating system, and web browser version.
Start dateSurvey start date.
End dateSurvey finish date.
Time spent on page 1Time a respondent spent on page 1  (in seconds).
Time spent on page 2Time a respondent spent on page 2  (in seconds).
Time spent on page …Time a respondent spent on page … (in seconds).
Reference (URL)Information saved with the HTTP referrer mechanism.

NOTE. The reference (URL) field may not be available in some cases.

Respondent identification (contacts)

Data linked with SurveyLab address book. Available with SurveyLab mass mailing mechanism. Need to be entered in the Contacts module before the survey starts. This is optional information.

First nameRespondent first name
Last nameRespondent second name
EmailRespondent email
PhoneRespondent phone
Custom 1Custom field 1
Custom 2Custom field 2
Custom 3Custom field 3
Custom …
Custom 8Custom field 8

NOTE. Custom 1, 2, 3, … fields have been created to allow precise contacts description with information like e.g. company, country, city, gender, occupation, or age.

Survey results

Responses to the questions asked in a survey.

* Functionality is available in the Starter, Advanced, Professional, and Enterprise plans.