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Automatic Zendesk ticket creation

With SurveyLab you can automatically create support tickets in the Zendesk system, based on the survey responses. You just need a few steps to configure Zendesk and SurveyLab to work together.

SurveyLab > Zendesk

Application :

  • Create a ticket automatically as a new response is collected.
  • Create a ticket automatically as a new response meets certain criteria eg. NPS score lower than 7.



  1. Log into your Zendesk account and go to the [S] Admin section.
    Zendesk API
  2. Press Apps and Integrations / API.
  3. Enable Token access.
  4. Press Add API token button.
    Zendesk API token
  5. Enter a label for API token eg. “SurveyLab” and copy your API token.
  6. Press Save button.


Account settings

  1. Go to Account S Settings.
  2. Go to Integrations.
  3. Enter Zendesk API token (copied from Zendesk).
  4. Enter your Zendesk user login.
  5. Enter Zendesk REST API URL (https://yourlogin.zendesk.com/api/v2/).

Create notification

  1. Press S Settings button.
  2. Press Notifications button.
  3. Press + ADD NOTIFICATION button.
  4. Enter notification name and select survey.
  5. In the Action section select Send : Zendesk.
  6. Enter ticket name and body.

Survey link

If you are using URL Link collector please remember to add /[email protected]/ parameter to the link.


https://feedback.surveylab.com/pageTag/SurveyCampaign/cId/c696fd5f78161a1344038e5067d88b5cbaa2515490/[email protected]

You can use the following variables to create a ticket in Zendesk.

{surveyName}Survey name.
{firstName}Respondent’s name.
{lastName}Respondent’s last name.
{email}Respondent’s email.
{reportLink}Survey report link.
{reportName}Report name. 

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.