Import questions
The functionality allows users to enter or import questions from any file and create a survey based on them.
To automatically import survey :
- Press + ADD SUREY.
- Press Import survey.
- Enter or copy-paste your questions.
- Press PREVIEW and next SAVE button.
The first row is treated as a question. The next raws are treated as answer choices. Each new question should be separated with an empty line. You can add 10,000 characters at once. If you have more divide the survey into parts.
How do you like to spend your summer holiday?
At the seaside
In the mountains
In the forest
In the city
What is your favorite travel destination?
NOTE. To add points, enter the number of points (1, 2, 3, … or NA) for each answer choice after a semicolon.
Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.