2013 was very busy for us, at the same time it brought us a lot of changes and cool new features.
Mobile surveys
We have created a unique solution that makes any questionnaire created with mysurveylab mobile-ready. SurveyLab automatically recognizes device type and adjusts survey to a screen size. Thanks to this feature your survey will look well on a desktop computer, a tablet, and a smartphone.
Online survey panel
Our customers received access to one of the biggest online survey panels. We provide access to over 7 m respondents in over 50 countries.
Professional features
Including advanced SPSS / PSPP export with labels support, access to survey results with SFTP and ODBC protocols, survey and test prepopulation, automatic notifications, and access to partially completed survey results.
We have started a new business partnership with SalesManago. This is the second online service, after Zendesk which users can utilize SurveyLab to measure customer satisfaction, collect feedback, and create customer scoring.
It was also the year when we started work on new important projects, the effects of which you will be able to see in a short time. We want to create the best survey tool on the market.
All of this would not be possible without you, our clients. Thank you for being with us!