SurveyLab makes it possible to create online surveys in 39 languages, including right-to-left (RTL) written languages like Arabic, Hebrew, or Farsi (Persian).
Our solution allows to create multiple language versions of one survey. Thanks to this feature you can create a survey only once and respondents will fill the language version that is dedicated for them. This significantly reduces the time needed to create online survey and improves survey results quality.
List of available languages
Afrikaans (AF), English (EN), Arabic (AR), Bengal (BN), Belorussian (BE), Bulgarian (BG), Catalan (CA), Czech (CS), Chinese (ZH), Danish (DE), Estonian (ET), Farsi (FA), Finnish (FI), French (FR), Greek (EL), Georgian (KA), Hebrew (HE), Hindi (HI), Spanish (ES), Dutch (NL), Japanese (JA), Korean (KO), Lithuanian (LT), Latvian (LV), Norwegian (NO), Polish (PL), Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU), Serbian (SR), Slovak (SK), Slovenian (SL), Swedish (SV), Thai (TH), Turkish (TR), Ukrainian (UK), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Vietnamese (VI)
If you need to create online survey in a language that is not present on our list, please let us know about it on email [email protected], we will add it for you.