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We help build safety on the roads
Jakub Wierusz
11 Jun 2011

We help build safety on the roads

SurveyLab helps build safety on European roads. Take part in a public opinion survey on the quality of life and the problems of road transport. The survey is carried out under the European Project SOL. Your opinions will help to improve road safety and thus to improve the quality of life in your region.

New online survey skip logic
Jakub Wierusz
07 Jun 2011

New online survey skip logic

SurveyLab received new and better survey skip logic. We just improved and made our survey skip logic more powerful. Thanks to those changes you will be able to display survey pages based on selected answer choices. Moreover, you will be able to redirect your respondents to more than one page if they have selected more than one answer choice.

Sign in – small enhancements
Jakub Wierusz
17 May 2011

Sign in – small enhancements

We just introduced new online survey system version (4.0.1). This time changes are small, but from our experience often the smallest changes are the most useful.

Online surveys examples
Jakub Wierusz
09 May 2011

Online surveys examples

With SurveyLab you will be able to quickly create a professional survey, questionnaire, test or online form. Each day we are serving thousands of online surveys for our customers on different continents and markets.

SurveyLab – parle français
Jakub Wierusz
02 May 2011

SurveyLab – parle français

All SurveyLab users can now work using French service version. French is third language after Polish and English on which we have translated our user interface.

Bienvenue au service de sondages en ligne
Jakub Wierusz
29 Apr 2011

Bienvenue au service de sondages en ligne

Hi, we have good news, SurveyLab speaks French! Do you know that French language is spoken by about 300 million people around the world. It places French on the 6 place among world most popular languages.

Tailored online survey software
Jakub Wierusz
20 Apr 2011

Tailored online survey software

One size not always fits all clients and existing solutions are not always adjusted to user needs. That is why SurveyLab has introduced on-demand survey system development and tailored solutions design services.

Better online survey reports
Jakub Wierusz
02 Apr 2011

Better online survey reports

We just finished work on SurveyLab 4.0 and new functionalities. This time changes focus mostly on reporting system and analytical possibilities of our tool. We changed survey report generation engine. Thanks to those changes system can support hundreds of thousands responses for a single survey. This change opens brand new possibilities for researchers, they can create and manage surveys with a very large amount of data.

Introducing referrer data
Jakub Wierusz
20 Mar 2011

Introducing referrer data

We have created a simple mechanism called referrer which enables you to integrate your survey better with any website. Referrer enables you to acquire information about source from where your respondents come. It is working by default for your surveys and tests, you don’t have to set any options for it to work.

Online survey testing
Jakub Wierusz
13 Mar 2011

Online survey testing

Questionnaire testing is an important element of survey design and work on survey research. Why is so important? During the test you will able to evaluate real-time needed to complete survey and quality of survey questions.

How to resend survey?
Jakub Wierusz
21 Feb 2011

How to resend survey?

Resending survey is a proven method to improve response rate – get more answers in survey research from the same sample.

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