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Widgety ankiet online

New better survey widgets, email embedded surveys, code numbers for questions and blocks, testing of survey invitations, and many small updates and corrections. Welcome to the new SurveyLab 14.6.1.

  • New survey widgets
  • Email embedded surveys
  • Code numbers for questions, pages, and blocks
  • Testing of survey invitations
  • Questions formatting
  • Other updates and corrections


New survey widgets

We have improved the functionality of survey widgets. Now you can customize the appearance of the widget and control its behavior. You have seven options to display and hide the widget, including always display, on attempt to close the page, on mouse scroll by a certain number of pixels, after a specific time, on enter a particular page (URL), on enter the page with the specified HTML tag (en, pl, …), on login with a specific type of device (pc, tablet, mobile).

To run the widget on your web page simply copy the widget code and paste it anywhere in the BODY section of your website.

Email embedded surveys

We have improved the functionality of email-embedded surveys. You can now create surveys where your first question will appear directly in the email as embedded element. This may be a single-choice question or an NPS question.

* Functionality is available for Professional and Enterprise accounts.

Code numbers for questions, pages, and blocks

In the survey design, each question, page, and block received a code number (Q1, P1, B1, …) that does not change whatever changes you make the changes made to the survey. The code numbers are different from the questions and page numbers that are displayed for respondents during the survey.

Testing of survey invitations

Now you can easily test created email or SMS with the invitation to complete the survey. Just press the TEST button in the message list and a test message will be sent to the email address associated with your account.

Questions formatting

We have made available (again) questions and descriptions formatting functionality. You can change the format size and font color.

Other updates and corrections

We have introduced new clearer alerts and system messages. We have added the ability to filter the survey results by the survey status (screen-out or survey completed). Slider questions have been improved and now can handle negative scales.

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