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Mobilne oceny roczne pracowników z SurveyLab

We’d been researching various possible solutions but SurveyLab was the fastest and the most flexible we had been looking for. We could try out all functionalities free of charge within just a few days. British-American Tobacco, IT DSS Junior Coordinator, Krzysztof Puzio

Can you tell us a bit about British-American Tobacco Poland and its business?

We produce high-quality tobacco products. The company is a part of the British American Tobacco Group – the most international tobacco group delivering its products to over 200 markets worldwide. The company’s history reaches 1902, while in Poland we have been operating since 1991.

Why did you decide to cooperate with SurveyLab and use online surveys?

We decided to use SurveyLab and online surveys because this is a comprehensive solution available on all devices: PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets or PDAs. We’d been researching various possible solutions, but SurveyLab was the fastest and the most flexible when it came to deliver a trial version of what we had been looking for. We could try out all functionalities free of charge within just a few days. We’d also been considering some offers from foreign suppliers, however, when compared to SurveyLab, they responded with delays and were limited by procedural restrictions. So our choice was determined by flexibility, speed, and client service available in Polish.

How do you use SurveyLab in your daily operations?

We use it to conduct annual 180-degree employee reviews for remote staff. All surveys are completed on mobile devices, and this is how we deal with practically the entire field force.

What are the benefits of using SurveyLab for British-American Tobacco?

Thanks to SurveyLab our HR department isn’t lost in paperwork anymore because the entire process is automatic and online. We’re saving time and the workflow is now smooth, which is especially important considering the rapid development of our sales department.

Would you recommend SurveyLab?

Most certainly. I recommend SurveyLab as a company providing fast contact, pleasant client service, and flexible approach to clients and their needs.

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