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Pytanie typu hot spot i bloki stron

We are happy to announce new SurveyLab (12.1.1) online survey software version. Among many changes, you will find new hot-spot question type, blocks of pages support, new reports filtering options (especially useful for projects conducted on research panels), and improved multi-language support.

  • Hot spot question type
  • Blocks of pages
  • New filtering options
  • Improved multi-language support
  • Other changes and improvements

Hot spot question type

We have created a brand new hot spot question type. The question allows to upload an image (.jpg, .png, .gif) to your survey and then to define areas (hot spots) that will be used to provide an answer. Respondents can answer the question simply by clicking on the defined area (hot spot).

* Option available for Professional and Enterprise plan.

Blocks of pages

Now you can divide your survey into blocks of pages. Each block can contain any number of pages and each page can contain any number of questions. Additionally, you can set block rotation and select blocks that won’t be rotated.

* Option available for Professional and Enterprise plan.

New filtering options

We have added a new filtering option that allows to filter the report by survey time. Now you can easily eliminate from your survey low-quality responses with a short average time. This option is especially useful for all people who conduct a project on research panels like mypanellab.com, Cint, or Dynata (ex. ResearchNow).

Improved multi-language support

We have improved multi-language survey support. Now the system will automatically take care of your survey settings and will make sure that the same settings are applied to each language that has been defined in your research.

Other changes and improvements

We have removed matrix – one or multiple answers question type, that was duplicated with other matrix question types. We have improved “survey closed” and “survey completed” pages. We also improved application seed for contacts management (display of large contacts databases).

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